Never been treated with HGP
Never been treated with Antibiotics
GMO Free

Raised Right
Been raised in a non-sedentary production system mirroring their native habitat where their natural behaviours are expressed

Fed Naturally
Grazed on a diet natural to their ruminant needs, not substituted with grain or grain by products

Have been raised with animal welfare the forefront consideration of all animal husbandry activities
The Australian Certified Humane badge means that animals have:
Transparent Certification
Australian Certified Humane is the first, and only, third party audited welfare standard in Australia. Developed in Australia, by an Australian, for Australian conditions. This certification provides a clear, defined, transparent certification that gives consumers trust in any product that bears this label. It brings genuine grass-fed protein with full life traceability from Australian farming families to the domestic & global market. Australian Certified Humane is an Australian welfare standard that currently covers Beef Cattle, Sheep & Goats raised in non-sedentary open grazing rangeland systems.
Developed In Australia For Australian Conditions

More Why We Exist
Australian Certified Humane has been designed with consumer expectations in mind, and producer realities as a reference. All produce is fully traceable back to its source and Australian Certified Humane is the most iron clad guarantee that a product has the integrity to withstand the closest scrutiny of consumers, wholesalers, and retailers the globe over.

Food Choices
True Grass Fed
Ruminant animals have a significant role to play in helping to feed the worlds growing population. With their unique digestive process, a ruminant animal can take a diet of natural grasses, off an area of land unsuitable for human food production, and convert it into nutrient dense meat and milk.
Australia adds a person to its population every 2 minutes, and as the world population hurtles towards 8.5 billion people by 2030, 70% of this growth is forecast to occur in developing nations. The debate around feeding this growing number is complex and ongoing. However, we are convinced that ruminant animals have a significant role to play in the solution.
Ruminants (cattle, goats, sheep) are uniquely adapted mammals that depend on microbial fermentation in one of their stomachs. With this adaptation, ruminants are efficient users of plant fibre for energy. Plant fibre that is not and can not be consumed by humans.
Ruminant animals can convert pastures into high quality meat and milk. Non-ruminant, monogastric animals like pigs and poultry, cannot utilise pastures like ruminants can. Vast tracts of the world are covered with range and pasture lands, unsuitable for cropping. As such, we see sustainable communities and sustainable agriculture continuing to include grazing animals.
Too often the opponents of animal agriculture evaluate the desirability of animal production on gross calorie or protein intake/output values, with an assumption that all animal feed could or would be eaten by people. To accurately evaluate animal production, only human-edible consumable energy and protein intake should be used for efficiency comparisons.
In Australia approx. 54% of our vast land mass is classified as pasture, grasslands, or forest-pasture suitable for grazing. This is an extremely large resource that already is or can be used to graze ruminant animals. An area which would otherwise have limited production capacity. Ruminants are therefore the key to unlocking a huge productive resource both here, and globally.
Australian Beef, Lamb and Goat Meat that has been raised and fattened exclusively on standing grass, legumes and pasture is strongly sought after in all marketplaces, for the health benefits that these protein sources are becoming widely recognised for.
These grass-fed proteins are naturally low in fat and cholesterol, while offering a higher level of Omega 3 fatty acids than protein raised in any other way. Omega 3 fatty acids are promoted to reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.
These dietary benefits are complemented by the environmental credentials enjoyed by herds raised in a sustainable broad acre grazing system. These systems are typified by non-sedentary, ruminant animals grazing landscapes where pasture, soils and water are managed in conjunction with seasonal variations to promote healthy, diverse environments that are brimming with ecology.
Currently proactive producers in the Australian grass-fed beef/sheep and goat industry are not only carbon neutral on farm, they actively sequester carbon for other industries.
Without Hormone Growth Promotants (HGP), antibiotics, or sedentary feeding systems, Australian standing grass, legumes and pasture fed protein is the most unadulterated animal protein in the world.